Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Because I know if I don't post now...

.. I probably will not find the determination/motivation to put anything up for another 10 years. I haven't gathered thoughts nor content etc to post, but here I am, with several extra minutes to waste before adjourning to prayer service.

If I haven't already shouted for joy, let me do it now

Funny how it evokes an image of me shouting for Joy, someone I know in church. Why do I shout for joy? Because after a long spell of barrenness, I have finally begun my post grad, the PhD has begun! (Mumbling voice goes "Permanent head damage")

Right on, I started on the 3rd of January 2011. "I've been incredibly busy, so I haven't been posting regular updates and writing up those posts I promised....."


Fact is, I have lost the drive for writing and posting regularly, simply because I have to get out of my comfort zone. I have had the time, but it was spent worrying about my project or doing other similarly, if not more unproductive things. I wanna reignite my lil hobby of writing, and keep it running.

Time to break the cycle and work on that time management, O' ye of little faith!

"O come all ye fat-ful,
joyful and triumph-fun,
O come ye, O come ye to Bat-le-ham"

Promise to be back soon.