Saturday, January 9, 2010


our dear ol' country. Always surprising us with bad news. Burning churches for using the word "Allah", wow. I extend my sympathy to these churches. But if you like animals by any chance, live in Penang, or are a MALAYSIAN at all... you'd be surprised. Apparently, it was revealed in a shocking expose by Bryan Christy of National Geographic that the biggest, meanest, most untouchable illegal (think endangered species) wildlife smuggling/trafficking syndicate, is harboured in our beloved country, in the aforementioned state, Penang. So much so that people in the 'industry' calls Malaysia "The Fortress", because it's so untouchable; and that the owner of the business is totally in cahoots with the second in command Malaysian Customs Officer, giving him pretty much free reign to smuggle illegal, endangered animals.

Here, have a read, and be proud of your country, dear ol' Malaysia. Hey, at least we're good at something. pfft. 1Malaysia? 1 helluva Malaysia alright. Let's try to love our country... ok, now your turn, please love us back, alright Malaysia?


Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

kienz said...

huh? You've gotta be kidding me. The articles are nowhere near comprehensive nor informational; they are merely lazy articles of issues worth highlighting, done in the easiest, laziest, shortest way I could think of. Anyahow, I thank you, if you are not spam. haha