To the many who poured unto me (some more personal, some less) birthday wishes and treats, thank you very much (be it a Facebook message, wish to my face or long-distanced call). I am happy. Thanks!
Now, after that DreamVillage week (Dream Village is the new premise of my church, Acts Church, and we've just had our clean up, set up, and then a memorable Groundbreaking service on 10-10-10), it's time to catch up on marking papers - which I must say, is a major turn off which I have to face. Hooha! I volunteered to be on choir and to help the clean up for that Grounbreaking Service. I had fun =p Being in the choir has given me an excuse (and no excuses not to ) to shop for long-sleeved shirts and ties of different colours and sorts, and I must say, I kinda like shopping for ties. It's easier than shopping for shirts anyway (given my thick neck, torso [BELLY] and large short arms). I am so behind time with my blog.
Furryturtle wails "It's too late to apologize.. it's too laaaaate"