Sunday, October 11, 2009

22 guns

I spent the hours entering my birthday identifying invertebrates in the lab, and I was getting quite into it. At right about 12am, a thought occurred in my mind that went,

"Ah man, why does it have to be my birthday tomorrow, can't I just stay in the lab and continue identifying my bugs?"

That's when I thought to myself again,

"Jo Kien, are you retarded?"

hahaha. I had a great day anyway, thanks guys, and girl (there was only one girl present, hence the singularity) =p Vino~

Okay I admit, I went back into the lab on my birthday morning at 8 to identify a few more bugs before I got out to have some bug-free fun. So what? hahaha. Big thank you to everyone who wished me in the flesh, sms-es from abroad, calls that didn't make it through (whom I got back to), sms-es that I received and Facebook wall wishes (which is apparently the preferred medium, haha). I had a great day (of rest). Best Birthday ever... till now that is =p


σ §úzZzù§ σ said...

ooooh did i miss it? when's your birthday? today? happy birthday!!!!!
if it's yesterday or days ago, .. happy belated birthday!!!

i think that covered about everything x)

kienz said...


haha, nah, it's the 9th =p Thanks!