Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Sunday afternoon as I was getting out of bed....

"Hi Jo Kien, just a reminder that your presentation's tomorrow, can I see the slides before you present?"

Dr. Cathy


I was barely a quarter done with my Results section that was to be presented. So I worked.. and didn't catch my beauty sleep for another 30 hours -_- and then I realized I never got the actual e-mail that was to inform me of the change, but instead got another confusing e-mail that stated the wrong date.

And then I realized my presentation was at 3 pm and not 10 am.

And then Dr. Cathy had a field trip and I can't reach her.

And then Dr. Emily was too busy to talk to me about rescheduling.

And then I can't reach Dr. Juan whom I was to reschedule with.

And then I napped in the post grad room (haha).

And at long last, when I was almost done with my shitty slides, I got a reply on e-mail saying I can delay till Wednesday morning, whee -_-

And so, here I am, in Gloria Jeans, Sunway Pyramid, solo-ing it out as my three darlings (2 dudes and a chick) watch a movie. I stubbornly refused to join for the movie. haha, time to work... in my new RM49.90 cheap brown but quite handsome shoes (old ones just gave way; left shoe finally went Crocodillian on me). I have so much to talk about, but so little time... Just like my Honours Project and Thesis -_-

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