Thursday, February 19, 2009

ISO stupid


S0XI1 was awesome, but because I tried to shoot with manual settings after a while (first time), I forgot to tweak the ISO settings while shooting, relying on the exposure time for brightness mostly. I left it at ISO800. Now I have many pictures that would've been nice had it not turned out grainy because of the ISO *beats self (softly and gently) over it*

I-SO stupid

Oh yes, on our way to Cameron Highlands, I had my first speeding ticket, which I requested. Very much like Yee Hou's experience actually, I was going at 121 km/h (they caught me at that, I actually thought they caught me when I was at 130+ km/h>_<) when the limit's 110 km/h. Roads were clear alright. I rejected his bait of letting me off at 50 bucks =)

Say No to corruption
*pics soon*


stinchan said...

only 50 bucks bribe?
you're not really saying no to corruption. if you pay 300, it goes to the government, and its gonna be used for shaddy things anyway. Like 180 thousand ringgit a year to service a proton perdana. help the little people !

陈一豪 said...

Good on you dude; though Chan has a good point there as well.

*pat pat*

Actually if you were going 1km/h less they would have let you off : )

On the issue of ISO, let me teach you noise reduction.

Photoshop, Filters > blur > surface blur. Tweak it around so that the noise is gone, but the image stays reasonably sharp.

Filters > Sharpen > Unsharp Mask. Get it back to its original sharpness.

Works like a dream : )

kienz said...

chan: Yeah he asked for RM50, but my full ticket's only RM150 so it's not so bad. Well I can't very well be a rebel and say no to both of them can I? Gotta start somewhere.

Cow: Nah, that 1km/h won't have helped, my friend got a ticket for 115km/h at the same stretch before. I'll try the photoshop stuff, thanks =)

Jin said...

300-50 = 250

glad you didnt pay the RM50

if not your integrity only cost Rm50.

kienz said...


actually, I wish they caught me at a higher speed. At least I'll feel like it's more worth it, hahaha. Ya know, exceeding by 11 km/h, somehow feels like a border line mistake. Maybe that's why it's RM150.

(Shit I haven't paid it)

stinchan said...

I doubt refusing to pay the bribe would trigger a change in the policeman who booked you anyway, ''oh someone didn't want to pay the bribe, I should be a good honest cop''My loyalty is to my wallet ! I suppose this form of integrity is fine if you can afford it. To those who can't....hmm. On the other hand , those who break the law should pay, and the issue of corruption and breaking the law should be viewed as separate entities.

kienz said...

Well if everyone thinks that him/her not paying a bribe wouldn't help change things, bribing will never stop?

Things have gotta start somewhere and if you ain't willing to make the first move, don't expect others to; then don't utter a word about the cops being corrupt, because you contribute to that as well.

aehknum said...

Say no to bribe? I'm proud of you dude! :) The same goes for my driving test (its 99% impossible to get a driving license without bribing in Klang for my time) and whatever stuff that needed bribe --- I said no to them :) Hard to find people like you!

kienz said...

*high 5*
haha, I didn't bribe too (but I did fail >_< hahaha)