Monday, February 9, 2009

Of Bruises and Nudity

The cylinder of manhood. No, not the penis. It is thee

My not so new form of workout at home. hoo hoo haa haa
Notice how the seams on the left side are coming off at the top? Excessive violence >_<>..

..until 2 nights ago.
Grabbing some device of unknown origin (means it's been there way too long with no one using it/knowing how to use it), I snipped off the wires which were a perfect diameter to restitch the whole cap of my dear punching bag whom I enjoy abusing so. It was tough since I did it at night all alone (bad lighting, hard to get that fat 28 kg monster to somewhere bright ya know) and the holes were a lil tight for the comparatively thick wires , just the way I like it. This is the result of an hour's work.
He is now well-hung, with no more unintended spills from the top of his head =)


On another note, yesterday marked my maiden experience in painball paintball. Well, sure there are the usual bruises and stuff, but I didn't get too many obvious ones, so I'll show you what I've got *coy smile* Nice part was that Junde's entire family went, so I got to see his brother again (not that I have a crush on him or anything). I used to play basketball with him almost on a daily basis when we were in school. In fact, I think I knew him before Junde. On reuniting, I was picked into his team for paintball and his first words were "Okay Jo Kien, you're the fastest and smallest one. So, you run down the middle k, they won't be able to hit you at all, don't you worry"


I don't have the pictures of us in our gear, but it must've looked rather funny. After the first game, I was oblivious to the paintballs flying beside me all the time when I'm in the middle; you can only be shocked so many times by the same things. hehe, my legs were always a target because that middle piece I used for cover had a hole at the bottom, it was the shape of a giant, inflated 'X'. Anyway..

The left armpit (I made sure to exclude all the.. fibrous proteins when photographing) which was shot by Junda's gf's sister when I held up my left arm to surrender. You are not supposed to be shot when you surrender. Lesson learnt: Do not surrender until the marshall orders you out. Jay Han surrendered both arms up and Sim Onn shot him in the chest a further 3 times + 1 in the armpit as well. Also the left armpit *hugs* hahaha, not very noticable here though. It's on the pic's left if you can't see it.
The right thigh, a clean shot which spluttered the bullets' orange oil on my black pants. Well-deserved bruise.
The forearms. I got almost identical ones on both forearms, but they're not really obvious somehow even though it was naked skin that was hit. Oh well, hope the hairs make up for the lack of bruises.

And the bitch that hurts most.
The left rib. Actually I dunno if I can still call it rib, it's quite close to the armpit. It got hit in the last game when I finished my bullets and ran amok as a distraction (hehe) so my team mates have an advantage. The vest only covers your chest and back, the sides are exposed. Ouch, I totally forgot about being hit there until I was taking a bath and found that big one there. Doesn't look much in the photo, but as we speak, the bruise is darkening. It's now a nice light purple with dark spots on it, whee! Reminds me of Junda's theatrics when he almost went inside there to get shot with an empty gun ("not fun la, whole day didn't get shot"), and his dad who went inside without the safety vest (Sharon: No wonder he looked so naked in there). Hoo ha! Awesome game


σ §úzZzù§ σ said...

that didn't look like an armpit o.O not a guy's one anyway.. you photoshopped the hair out?

kienz said...

Nahh, it's RIGHT beside the armpit. I had to.. maneuver it clear >_< hahah

Cheryne said...

Yer, sm jo

kienz said...

hehe, look who's talkin =p