Thursday, January 8, 2009

Expect the Unexpected

Last night, I couldn't get anyone for a lil 'yumcha' session except Su Ann, who initiated it. So, on went just the two of us to friendly ol' rat-ty Jelutong.. NAH AH

Just minutes into having settled into our table, a friendly neighbourhood auntie sat down 2 seats away from me, to my left. After a lil verbal foreplay, the friendly neighbourhood auntie (FNA) suddenly asked in a very polite tone, "Excuse me, but have you two just graduated from form 5?" Okay, nothing new here, we both sniggered and cleared that up, only for the chat to go onto the next familiar line for me "Pardon me boy, but are you Chinese?" Wheee. Cleared that one up too, and she went on and on, though I gotta say it wasn't really a total bore since she's got quite a few... interesting stories. Examples included smashing her husbands computer with a baseball bat when he didn't take her word seriously about moving the computer back to his office when she feared her kid spending too much time on games, breaking her husband's keyboard in half when he stirred her up in her sleep when she had a bad migraine, attending an opera and dining at a posh restaurant in Britain in bermudas and a T-shirt O_o Yeah, I couldn't help myself sniggering for another few minutes after she left till Su Ann had to ask me "What's so funny???"

She's a regular there. How did I know? When I went to take a piss after waiting for a pause for what seemed like an eternity (or two), the staff at the mamak began to laugh at me, sayin "Auntie banyak cakap ah?". Aihhh, I had to agree. Heck even after she left they continued laughing at us. One of the embarrassing parts was she insisted on paying for all our drinks and food. "Thank you, auntie" chanted us both. Nice catching up with Su Ann anyway, it's been a looong, looong time =p


stinchan said...

oh sigh,all these young high school interrarcial couples nowadays *cough*
got sembahyang or not today jokien =D

Rae Lee said...

i never realised you have been mistaken for NOT being chinese! lol... interesting day for you eh? haha... :p

wέι εяи said...

why do strangers always like to hit on you ay? hahaha

kienz said...

Chan: hahaha, shuddup dude, I'm more chinese than you are in any case. At least I speak a chinese dialect fluently =p

Rac: It's been an ongoing thing from school till now. Even the school canteen people used to kacau me asking me to puasa when it's Ramadhan -_-

WE: The auntie was definitely NOT hitting on me, she was just being friendly to two friendly-looking, good-natured, good-looking and charming people =D

stinchan said...

its okay la..we all get it sometimes. I've been many different races since I got here. Even thai.

kienz said...

hehe, I've gotten that one too, only I get em all in Malaysia. Whee -_-

σ §úzZzù§ σ said...

i don't think you look malay.. you look more like, mixed some-kind-of-blood. irish, maybe? but that's good, bcoz most mixed-blood people have appeal, and the fact that people think you look exotic means that compliment extends to you as well

the only other place people have thought i came from was china, so you're in a better position than i am.. stupid bangs >___<

kienz said...

Hmmm.. now That's a thought! I feel better already *puffs chest up*

*pat pat* I remembered reading bout it.. hehe, lesson learnt: No bangs