Saturday, June 27, 2009

Pre-trip sad post

Once again, I'll be going to the highlands (Need I mention which?) tomorrow, for 5 nights or less this time (I hope less). It really depends on how quick I get work done, and the weather. Ah well. I'll be back on Friday, latest, and then I'll have to work on those fresh samples in the lab before I fly to Miri on the 7th July and have some fun with them East Malaysian and Brunei endangered species. If I have time, I'll drop a picture post I wanted to write before I go to Cameron's, or else, it's unlikely I'll have a chance to post at all till after July 10th. Wish me luck, a lot of it, Tralala, time to resume and finish packing for tomorrow. Research life is a big sacrifice. I am in the lab, on a beautiful Sunday Saturday afternoon, and I think it's time for an intense toilet berak break, so, see ya!



σ §úzZzù§ σ said...

has working in the lab messed up your sense of time and days too? it's saturday today, and i juz woke up about the time you had an afternoon toilet break :P

happy cameroning ;)

kienz said...

ooof, yes it has >_< bleah

Michy said...

Good luck, and have fun in Camerons and also East Malaysia! So what endangered species is the Bruneian?

kienz said...

Nyeahahaha, he's the... hmm... prehistoric Shimzilla, known to enjoy hitting objects for rhythm. Rare these days since he hasn't been reproducing yet.