Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Achin buns

that's what a lil exercise (badminton last night, swimming the day before + wii) gives a worn out ol' 20 year old such as myself. Ol' geezer I'm growin into already, sheesh

Anyway, an interesting thing happened at the Shell station I got my petrol from today. As I was filling up my petrol, one of the foreign worker dudes there came by my car, looking me straight in the eye with a slightly coy smile and leaned his elbow a lil on my car boot *gulp*

Dude: Apa khabar?
Me: baik, khabar baik.
Dude: Baik ya? *continues looking with coy smile*
Me: Yeah, baik *smiles back and busies self with filling tank*
Dude: *fumbles with words* You Malay?
Me: No, Chinese (-_-)
Dude: Ohhh, Cina.. You... *gestures to face* good *thumbs up* (he thinks I'm handsome)
Me: Oh, hahaah, thank you =D
Dude: Chinese... *gestures to eyes* small... You *gestures to eyes again* big.. Good *smile smile*
Me: hehe, yeah, thanks
Dude: Chinese *gestures to eyebrows* little. You... a lot
Me: hehe, yeah, I don't know why too

At this point, Tajang who left uni with me appeared and called out to me from the next filling station. Thank goodness, I was feeling awkward already >_< Maybe the dude meant well, but the way he continuously gives me that coy smile and his feminine posture and demeanour just kinda makes me feel he's trying to attract me, which obviously didn't work. Anyway, I went on to speak to Tajang relating to him what just happened discreetly as he guffawed away talking bout his 'cockmeat sandwiches' (yeap, again) before I got back to my car and left before the attendant got back to me (he had to attend to another customer). Phew, one of those days. Why don't I get pretty girls doing that to me? damn


Jin said...

have u heard of my petrol station experience?

stinchan said...

Sze Yuen is right ....

kienz said...

to Jin: Nope, which one?

to chan: This only means I've been approached, not the other way round, you e-diode -_-

Anonymous said...

i think i know jin's sweet experience. haha!

kienz said...

Hmmmmm...... I'm gonna start investigating this one =D

Cheryne said...

How sweet!
You happy right?Don't pretend

kienz said...

Of course I am! But I was also scared at the same time, afraid I may be sending out the wrong vibes somehow. hahah

wέι εяи said...

owh. interesting. I hope i was there during ur experience then I can laugh the shit out of me hahahah =.=

σ §úzZzù§ σ said...

aihyah too bad he didn't go any lower with his gesturing

Dude: Chinese... *gestures to his lower anatomy* small.. You *gestures to kienz's lower anatomy* big.. Good good goooood *coy smile*

would you thank him for that too? it's a compliment anyway ^o^

kienz said...

to wei ern: You wait, Karma may just get you from behind and next thing ya know, you get some butch hittin on you while I watch =D

Suzz: How on earth would he know!??! I'll probably be a lil too shocked to respond >_<

aehknum said...

omg this is sooooooo funny! Good la! At least you know you're attractive? Haha.

kienz said...

If only it worked for girls instead, huh huh?