Saturday, August 16, 2008

Interest Aroused

The new C902 that's being advertised in pre-movie cinema advertisements now, the bomb. Le Bounce Bomb. Pretty
I likey

Too bad when I had the opportunity to check earlier, the original handset would set me back RM1450, and the AP would cost bout RM1200 if I'm not mistaken. Played around with the dummy and checked it out on my usual phone research site introduced to me by Kam Tong. Ah well, my phone's serving me fine anyway, guess I'll push the thoughts aside for now. My birthday's in 2 months by the way. I think I'll need a real camera rather than a phone actually, since the family-camera ain't really up to scratch and it always seems to be occupied or unavailable when I need em. Date of birth: 9th October 1987 Maybe a semi-pro camera? Dad said I should skip to DSLRs instead, but the thought of carrying a freaking tank to holiday/hike/field trip is just a turn off. Christmas isn't too late either

One of those retarded whiny "I want X" moments (let X be item of interest)


Damn, just moments after thinking about splurging, my grandfather tells me some Indian lady just came by my house to return my wallet which slipped off my bag without me knowing when I was getting up my car to send Justin home beside the basketball court. Damn, talk about being lucky and kind-hearted people, my third time going through this, I must be quite a lucky mega-dumbo. To the lady who brought my wallet back this time, thank you so much, I wish you the best for everything. She was honest enough not to take my RM1 (I'm not being sarcastic) nor anything else to make my life difficult. *Phew*




wέι εяи said...

conclusion: you're horribly blurr!!! how can you leave ur wallet lying around the basketball court for 3 times? =.="

kienz said...

OK, twice was because I was blur okay.. but the third, it SLIPPED out of my bag somehow when I was getting in my car, come on, can't blame me for that one >_<

& no, I'm not denying my blurness here >_<