Thursday, September 11, 2008

Le dumb

Scenario yesterday:

Stayed back in the lab up till about 8pm to get "methods and materials" typed up for my thesis; incomplete, but substantial. Got home and tried to complete it but..

"Oh feck! Where the feck is the file!?"

After searching every possible storage area in my com, I concluded that I must NOT have saved it properly before leaving the lab since my laptop had no record of it. Feck, Feck, Feck.


It's 6:07 pm, and I've gotten 4 sentences down; distractions aplenty through the blessings offered by internet.

I am le sleepy, smack me nuts.


σ §úzZzù§ σ said...

aww man! that must have sucked real, reAl bad. i feel for you man, coz that happened to me before >___<

kienz said...

hahaha, I've had a friend who's had worse:

"Yeah! I finished my report!"


go figure

σ §úzZzù§ σ said...

ahhaha? what happened to the report?

kienz said...

well.. he had some 'help' and finished the report =D hahaha

think of one of our vice-chancellors and why he got sacked