Friday, December 26, 2008

How I spent Christmas

Gettin home from a Poing's-dad-paid night at about 2am, I went online and played guitar (no, I don't go online to play guitar, I just did both together) and somehow wasted time until 7am in the morning when I finally slept. So I was up and alone for the first 7 or so hours of Christmas (the first two was still with the ladies I had Christmas eve dinner with of course). And then I slept till 8.30 pm. No mistake, it's PM. Woke up and slept a couple of times, but it's quite nice to pig away like that. Zzzzzzzzz......

"Merry Zmas"
(Bounce, 2008)

A quick shower and dinner later, I'm back on the computer. Geez -_-

Melly Zzz mas!


kienz said...

hahaha *high 5*

Some Christmas clowns we are =_=

kienz said...
