Now, time for more leggy David.
TY: How do I look, how do I look?
Enter the Doggy calendar of 2009, featuring Potatoe!
End of Doggy Calendar Series
Beginning of the end for Potatoe
As I've mentioned from the start, Potatoe never finished the entire hike with us, because there was this peak (yes the one we're trying to carry her down from down there) that was just plain unfriendly to canines. We tried to pass her (gently) like a package from one dude to another, from above to below, but she struggled too much.. and we lost her.
Nah, just kidding, we didn't drop her or anything. We even contemplated stuffin her in my bag for a while to get down, but thought she won't fit and would probably jump out or bite me or something. Anyway, we figured that she just won't come, and so we lead her back to the first peak we helped her up, where she actually skipped down (albeit involuntarily) before I threw her that final Potato bun (no 'e') that she had so rightfully earned. She didn't take it at first, but I watched a lil longer and caught her stealing it in typical lightning canine fashion before running off =p Since we left Shen on the rock near this cliff and lead Potatoe back, she was really reluctant to go, probably thinking we're forgetting that lady Shen that pretty much fell asleep on the rock. She waited there for quite a while before finally budging to move after all 3 of us (David, TY and myself) walked ahead back and began to shoot beckoning looks at Potatoe. She's such a funny canine =p Loyal, too. Well, that's the last we saw of her in the hike, move on fellas =P
You just CANNOT deny the bunny-resemblance here.
Wooo... I found someone else who likes rocks..
Caught climbing
That's me!
Begining of David-JK drama scene.
JK: I'm gonna fall! David, lemme be! Go on ahead! You must survive!
David: No! I'll save you if it's the last thing I do!
David: Almost there! Take my hand! JK: I'm trying, just a lil more!
JK: Damn, is that a camera? David: *retracts hand swift as lightning* Er.. what?
JK: What's with all this voyeurism, man, can't two guys get some privacy on the cliffs anymore these days? David: .....
And he climbs on ahead =p
So I followed =D
And felt the sudden, overwhelming impulse to stretch my back
For I knew we would be entering another site for good scenery. Maybe THIS was the one with Genting Highlands up there, I can't be sure anymore *Checks full-sized photo* Yup, sure is, I can see the colourful First World alright =p
Just cropped it so you can see, the building on the right, is First World Hotel.
Proud of myself for making it through this trip. Exceedingly megaproud, till I have to publicly air my balls to make myself feel even better about myself.
I'm sure he felt good too, only he had difficulties summoning the strength to express himself like I did. Maybe it's because he didn't air his balls like I did
A very fascinating, silver (aluminium foil-like) bug (spider, we presumed, since it seemed to have eight appendages and built a web) we found high on the hills. We initially thought it was a silver beatle caught as prey and tried to free it even, until we noticed it moving all over the web freely. It built the web, no doubt about it. Notice the thick bluish webbing that covers some parts of the finer, more normal-looking spider web? That's what caught Shen's eye initially actually. Took us a while to get this shot actually.
Spiderbum, looks like it was nowhere near silver on its underside =p
And then Shen got fascinated by mating butterflies, before we both snapped these pictures.. Okay fine, the butterflies got my attention after a while of watching and I was lagging the team by wanting to take a hot naughty nice picture of the lovebirds butterflies. Somehow, David and TY were unfazed by the butterflies, hehe, so they moved on, waited and grumbled like the old men they are until we caught up.
They were quite big, really. You could actually make out.. 'who was in who', if you looked closely >_<
Final picture, mandatorily taken by Shen before we left. The hike down was a slightly muddy, slipper clay path fringed with ferns and more things that tickled your legs as you walked. Shen and I almost slipped a handful of times =_= Quite a long walk, felt especially so since there was not much to look at except Shen's butt ahead of me on the way down. Until we met some leeches doing that "come get me" dance of course, what a turn off
Begining of David-JK drama scene.
David: No! I'll save you if it's the last thing I do!
Before it all ended, we wanted to go to the river to take a dip, but our plans were marred by the stupid dancing leeches again, they got David and our appetite for a dip was instantly potong-ed. Actually, we pulled the leech out in time, it didn't actually suck David. I mean, ya know, his blood. No penetration yet. shuddups Just read it as it is. So we left, without seeing Potatoe and the three of us (minus David) had lunch in Kepong before I dropped each of them home. It also marked the first and only day Shen set her lucky eyes on my glorious crib and ferocious dog and the same day I got to toy with her sister's guitar at her place for a while (I prefer mine, teehee~). And I got my new guitar strings on this day, when the BRAND NEW B string decided to break on me the moment I turned the freakin tuning heads. ROAR
awww i wanna get the Doggy calendar!
Heheh, visit Tabur, I'm sure they're still in stock XD
You and your stony love..= =+
Funny to see you guys trying to carry the dog..haha...
hahaha, wasn't easy man! She was totally against it >_< hehehe
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